Abigail Elizabeth Thompson

Yeah, I'm home!

Abbie's first day with Jesus - February 4, 2001

First a Miracle - Now a Testimony

Amy and I (Jason) want to thank you for all the prayers, support, meals and gifts through the past several months. We want to thank you for your love, through the many prayers, cards, and flowers we have received.

  Each time Abbie was faced with a surgery or a procedure we told her to spend time with Jesus. We told her to just play with him. And when it was time to come back to us, to ask him if it was ok to return. If he said yes, to run back fast. If he said, "No, not this time", we told her to joyfully go with him. Well last night, he called her home.. Our baby, Abigail, is now with our Father in heaven. For that we are filled with joy! However, we miss her more than we can express. It's so painful not to have her in our arms right now.

  We drove out of Portland for the first time since she was born. As we were pulling into Puyallup, Washington we saw that she was not doing well. Her breathing slowed way down and she became unresponsive. We took her to a local hospital where after 30 minutes or so she flat-lined. They performed CPR on her and pumped her full of drugs and eventually she became stable. Soon after that she was sent by life-flight to Tacoma Children's Hospital. We drove to catch up. Once we arrived, they were again performing CPR. The doctor informed us that she would not make it, and that it was our call as to when to stop performing CPR. Immediately I prayed that if God wanted to keep her alive, He would have to do it and asked the doctor to stop. She passed away right away.

   We truly praise God for over 3 months of having Abbie in our lives. She was so very special and will always be our little girl. Amy and I are looking forward to seeing her again in Paradise… where there are no more tears of sadness, but celebration of joy!  

Abbie's Story
  Check out how it all begin.

Picture pages
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Archive of Daily Messages
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Blessing and Miracles
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